Tax planning

Discover strategies to reduce your tax burden

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At a glance

What is tax planning?

  • It is the development of financial strategies to reduce the impact of taxes on your investments.
  • Proposing customized recommendations based on an analysis of your situation and your portfolio.
  • It's about doing more with the same money by optimizing your portfolio.

Main benefits

  • More money to invest or spend.
  • More freedom to achieve your goals.
  • Make tax-efficient investments.

Invaluable advice

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Let us talk about you

Are you just starting out? Or approaching retirement? Your advisor will draw up a plan that evolves with your changing needs.



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Let us talk about your family

Make the most of your assets by doing your income taxes as a family.



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Let us talk about your future

Are you an entrepreneur? Your advisor will help you minimize your taxes when you sell or transfer your business.

It is easy when you have the right support

Find an advisor

Our expertise at your service

Portfolio management

Determine the most effective strategies for achieving the goals discussed at your tax planning meeting.

Financial planning

Do you have a special project in mind? Talk to our experts for advice.

Need advice to draw up a tax plan?

Schedule an appointment with your advisor. They'll find solutions to fit your needs.


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