Private Clients

Trusted advice for life's most important decisions

Good Decisions Compound on Each Other

We are proud of the work we do and how we can empower families to build wealth. Our team of professionals is highly experienced in helping private individuals and families to build their wealth to achieve their goals and objectives. We do this by putting clients' interests first, getting to know them well, judicious planning, development of customized wealth management and investment strategies, their implementation, constant monitoring and review. Our primary objective always being to produce results as expected by our valued clients in a stress-free relationship. We are always on their side, working to deliver high-quality results and peace of mind. We work collaboratively as part of the advisory team of Accountants, Tax, and Legal experts that you rely on, and can help connect you to a network of trusted professionals. It is crucial to your success that all pieces of the puzzle fit together well, and we will work to ensure that is the case.

Book An Expert Consultation 

Our team is well aware that knowing the landscape in a challenging environment is crucial to reaching our clients’ goals.  We've been innovating for over two decades, which has given us the knowledge, expertise and process to quickly start and support new client relationships well. No matter your situation, our team consistently provides value through our expert advice and strategies, custom institutional product development, and a full range of investment products and related services addressing the short, medium and long-term goals of our clients.

We would be proud to help your team by delivering timely expert advice. Contact us to arrange a no-cost, no-obligation, individualized consultation, covering any questions or topics you'd like to discuss. We can talk over the phone, via Skype or email, or in person - whatever is easiest for you. 


Our Financial Services

Take advantage of our expertise to live out your retirement dreams. We will help you each step of the way, from accumulation to disbursement.

You probably have a good idea of what you want to do once you’ve retired: renovate the family home, travel the world, purchase a vacation property, etc. Ambitious or not, your retirement dreams can come true if you plan them right today.

To implement a savings strategy that will help you live out the retirement of your dreams, you must of course evaluate your current assets in relation to your objectives, but you should also take into consideration the fiscal consequences of your investments, your succession plan, your income sources and every other factor that can impact your savings ability and your future income.

Your advisor has the expertise necessary to help you in this process. With their help, you will be able to accurately define your objectives and retirement needs, as well as determine the right strategies to execute at opportune times of your life.


Typically, we go through four life stages during which it is critical to reviewour savings and investment strategies to ensure that we remain on the right path to our dream retirement:

Accumulation – This stage concerns you if you are just starting your career and have very few invested assets with relatively high expenditures. For instance, you may be considering purchasing your first home, in the process of paying back school loans or planning to start a family.

Preservation – This stage applies when you have begun accumulating retirement savings and have a stable career and family life. What matters most at this point in time is to preserve your wealth, while continuing to grow your assets with calculated risks.

Disbursement – This stage refers to retirement. This is when it is important to properly manage your wealth by using the right disbursement strategy so that you may optimize your pension income.

Transfer – This stage concerns your wealth after your passing. It is important for you to have prepared the transfer of your assets and implemented the right succession plan in order for your loved ones to be cared for as you had intended.

We can help you plan for retirement, manage your money, plan for your child’s education or carry out a specific project. Good financial planning includes a comprehensive and objective analysis of your financial situation as well as an action plan and recommendations that can help you enhance your wealth and achieve a certain level of financial independence. Whether you seek to save for your retirement, to learn to better manage your personal debts, to plan for your children’s education or to carry out a considerable project, your advisor will have all the resources required to help you choose a solution that suits your situation. He will help you: 

  • Define your financial objectives;
  • Draft your personal budget and analyze your current status;
  • Evaluate your needs and your future livelihood; and
  • Determine the financial and fiscal strategies that will allow you to manage your assets and liabilities efficiently while maximizing your net worth.

A Robust Strategy Helps Grow Wealth, Achieve Your Goals, and Deliver Peace of Mind.

Portfolio management consists in investing your assets in a way that seeks to grow your financial wealth over time, or to reach specific financial objectives to carry out future projects. Since it can be done over different time horizons and must take into account your cash flow needs and the financial impact of your decisions, it requires expertise, experience and objectivity. You already know that your investments must be diversified – by sector, asset classes, country and management styles – and re-balanced over time to reduce the risk associated with market fluctuations. Yet, they must also keep in line with any change that may take place in your life. Therefore, the management approach you choose must seek capital accumulation while minimizing the volatility of your portfolio. 

In the investment world, it’s important to focus on what you can control, instead of elements beyond your control, such as market performance, which is unpredictable over the short term. One of the factors over which you have the most control is the level of risk that you take to achieve your objectives. That’s where it is crucial to have the support of an investment advisor. 

Managing the World's Most Important Money - Yours!

By choosing the Bruton Investment Group to assist you in your investment journey, you not only benefit from strategic diversification advice, you also gain access to solutions that are tailored to your objectives and investor profile. 

Together, we will determine your objectives and investor profile. Namely, we’ll answer questions such as “what do you want to do with your money?” and “when do you want to do it?” Then, depending on your answers, we will draft your investment policy – that is, the rules by which we will manage your portfolio. We’ll select asset classes and individual components to include in your portfolio, in a proportion that fits your goals. Finally, we will implement this strategy by purchasing the securities and products that we will have chosen together. 

Taxes are one of life’s certainties, but there are ways to minimize your tax exposure legally.

Imagine having the chance to receive an income without having to pay taxes. You probably already know what you would do with this newfound wealth. While having to pay taxes is a certainty, there are several investment strategies that can help you minimize your tax burden, whether at the time of the investment or upon its disbursement.

Capital gains and investment income are taxed differently depending on the investment product you use. With good planning, you can ensure you choose investment vehicles that reflect your tax situation so that you can grow your wealth more efficiently.

Our team will help you analyze your portfolio and identify ways to reduce your tax burden. For instance, we may advise you on income splitting – with your spouse or children – or suggest you invest in a registered plan.

Having the right insurance coverage can make all the difference for your peace of mind, but you must first assess your needs and potential risks.

We all hope to live long and healthy lives. However, we can’t predict what the future holds, and that is why having good insurance coverage can make all the difference for your peace of mind, and that of your loved ones. For instance, your spouse may need ongoing health care.  Even if you can provide for these services now, are you prepared for them once you are retired and no longer have access to the same income? 

It is crucial to see to your financial security and that of your family today in order to avoid financial misfortunes in the event of death, illness or disability later on. To ensure that you have the right coverage, our experts will help define your needs by factoring in your potential risks. This analysis will allow you to establish and implement a strategy that is right for you.

Your succession plan should seek to do more than cover your funeral expenses. It should protect the financial security of your loved ones.

Planning your estate entails a lot more than making sure your heir can cover your funeral expenses. For
instance, have you thought about the way you would like to see your assets divided? Who will handle this
distribution of your wealth? What percentage will you assign to your spouse’s financial security versus your
children’s education?

There are several important aspects to consider in order to protect the financial health of your loved ones. Our
team can help you make sense of your assets and liabilities and assist you in establishing a succession plan that
is optimal for your situation and in line with your wishes.

Your accounts must fit your needs, whether you wish to manage your investments, save for your retirement or finance your child’s education.

Whether you wish to have an account that allows you to manage your investment cash flow, help you save for retirement, finance your child’s education, or put money aside for a rainy day or that special project, we have the resources you need to help you find the solution that is right for you.

  • Cash account
  • Margin account
  • Registered accounts: RRSP, RRIF
  • Registered education savings plan (RESP)
  • Registered Disability Savings Account (RDSP)
  • Tax-free savings account (TFSA)
  • Multi-Currency account

Articles & Resources

Honours and Distinctions 

Richard Bruton was recognized by the federal and provincial governments for his contributions to the community. He received multiple commendations, and was the recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal

2022 Awards of Excellence - Richard Bruton, Best Asset Growth - Toronto

2021 Awards of Excellence - Richard Bruton, Best Asset Growth - Toronto

Our advice, support and dedication are greatly appreciated by all of our clients.

Indeed, you can always count on:

  • our commitment to you and the achievement of your goals
  • our innovative approach, whatever the service
  • our integrity
  • our professionalism
  • transparency regarding our remuneration

Contact us

Mailing Address:

Bruton Investment Group, National Bank Financial

130 King Street West The Exchange Tower, Suite 3200

Toronto, ON, M5X1J9

For more information click below


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Line 1: 1-416-869-8098

Line 2: 1-416-869-8097

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