With a career in wealth management that began in 1998, he accumulated over two decades of experience serving clients across Western Canada. His extensive background is further enriched by 15 years in the technology sector and exposure to the oil and gas industry, which provides him with a broad perspective on various economic sectors and investment opportunities.

John's academic pursuits took him to France, where he earned a Diploma of French Language Studies from the Centre universitaire d'études françaises at Université Stendhal – Grenoble III, and studied French Language, Literature, and Civilization at the Institut d'Etudes Francaises pour Etudiants, Université D'Aix-Marseille.

In his personal life, John is married to Patricia and is a father to two sons, and four grandchildren. He enjoys spending time with his grandchildren, perennial gardening, and wine tasting. Additionally, his commitment to community and leadership is demonstrated by his past role as President of the Rt. Hon. Sir Winston Spencer Churchill Society.