Simon Doran

Senior Wealth Advisor & Portfolio Manager

Simon graduated from the University of Victoria with a degree in History and Economics. In 2001 he started with National Bank Financial and teamed up with Bryan Holyk. After completing his Certified Investment Manger designation he also became Options licensed and was responsible for developing trading strategies and securities analysis. Today, he chairs the Investment Committee and is lead manager on the team’s Fixed Income mandate. Over the years, Simon has come to recognize the importance of wholistic wealth management. To that end, he has worked extremely hard to recruit top talent and ensure that the team has expertise to cover client’s every financial need. He recognizes that client’s needs are increasingly complex and it is more important than ever to provide the client with 360 degree coverage.

When not working hard at the office Simon is working even harder to be a good husband and father to four young children. He enjoys getting outside and taking part in all the outdoor recreational opportunities BC has to offer. Over the years, Simon has also played an active role in the community with his charitable giving, volunteering, and has been a significant contributor to various soccer clubs in Vancouver as director, coach, and player.