Jay graduated from Western University in 1996. After a year of travel abroad he came home to London and launched his career in the financial industry in 1998. Jay's commitment to strong and consistent stewardship of clients’ wealth has become a cornerstone of his client and industry relationships.
Jay’s passion for wealth management has been a constant driver to obtain knowledge and help in his efforts to educate and inform others within the community. Jay has been sourced in several publications and is looked to among his peers for his insight and advice. Outside of the investment world, Jay is known locally for his passion toward sports. He has served on many local committee sand boards, and is a past president of the London Squash Fitness Club.
Jay is the current chair and lead sponsor of the Nash Cup Professional Squash Tournament (www.nashcup.ca). Jay and Diane were married June 2003, and have four daughters, Julia, Adelaide, Elliott and Temperance.