Jennifer's Library


 image of jennifer tozser posing on the street.

Over the last 20 years of investing, Jennifer has read over 100 books covering many topics related to the industry of investing and wealth management. Jennifer felt it

would be interesting to share with you some of her favorite finds throughout the years as it relates to finance as well as every day life, skills, and practices. Jennifer provides her thoughts on each book below. Enjoy!

2024 Books

HBR’s 10 Must Reads: For New Managers

HBR’s 10 Must Reads: Managing Yourself

HBR’s 10 Must Reads: On Emotional Intelligence 

I tend to buy my books during at the airport while I travel – these three Harvard Business Review are a must read for someone looking to enhance their leadership, self-management, and emotional intelligence skills in the workplace. 

Oprah: A Biography by Kitty Kelley

When I first picked up this book, I expected it to be full of fluff about her success. Instead, it dives deep into the details of her life, showcasing not just her grit and determination, but also the role that a little luck played in her journey.

Lean in Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg

As a female executive and the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg offers valuable insights on navigating the corporate journey as a woman. She not only discusses the challenges women face in the workplace but also emphasizes the importance of supporting and empowering other women to succeed.

Bank Heist by Walter Stewart

A historical look at the Canadian banking structure, while also delving into the policies and events that ultimately led to the creation of modern-day credit unions.

Who’s Eating Your Pie? by Erik Weir

Here’s a great book we read as a team this summer. It shares financial advice that the author has given to millionaires & billionaires that has helped them get to where they are now.

Ted Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking by Chris Anderson

In Addition to highlighting great “Ted Talks”, this book is helpful in refining presentation skills. It dives into the importance of public speaking and offers ways to plan and deliver a talk with more confidence.

Broke Millennial by Erin Lowry

This is great basic financial advice book that is steered towards unique issues that millennials face. This book offers simple tips and tricks as it relates to your personal finances.

The Psychology of Investing by John Nofsinger

This was one the supplementary reading books when I took my CFA designation between 2002 and 2004.  Interestingly, a discipline that was traditionally focused on financial analysis recognized that you can’t ignore human behaviour---something I agree with when it comes to money management. 

Feeling Seen by Dr. Jody Carrington

This was the first book that we read as a team, and it was great because it identified how to “be seen” and build relationships in a both a personal and professional environment. It was very personable and easy to read.  We enjoyed it

Fables of Fortune: What rich people have that you don’t want by Richard Watts

I like vignette stories and this book is helpful in identifying financial stresses that are unique to wealthy people. 

#GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso

This is a great rags to riches story about how you can develop a niche market and know when it’s time to move on. She goes through how she started her business, built a strong community, and found the right investors.

Geopolitical Alpha by Marco Papic

This was a quite technical book that we read as a team as well. The author shares his thoughts on how to make sense of the new macro landscape.

Team Chemistry by Andre Lachance & Jean Francois Menard

Another book we read as a team. This book is great to read with others as it focuses on what’s different about teams that consistently win. It’s primarily focused on sports but can be very applicable to work and personal relationships. It was a great read!

The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel
I read this book in 2021. Housel compares the academic side of investing to human nature. In other words, comparing theoretical to practical. I agree with Morgan’s definition of the value of money, the ability to manage your time.

Women & Money by Suze Orman
I read my first Suze Orman book back in my early twenties. She is a big fan of financial planning. This book is great for anyone who is starting to invest and covers a lot of the behavioral reasons of why we shy away from managing our finances.

How to Retire Rich by James O’Shaughnessy
I bought this book because of the title make no mistake. I believed Jim’s strategy was very straight forward and easy to copy. Based upon my inexperience, I couldn’t understand the biases and pitfalls at that time, but it made me a believer in the concept of quantitative analysis.

Talking to Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell
I am a fan of Malcolm Gladwell books. I made my teenage boys read this one because our society is so quick to judge, and social media campaigns get traction so quickly that little consideration is given to the other point of view.

Wealth of Wisdom by Tom McCullough
This is a series of essays on a variety of topics from different professionals. I read these types of books out of order. I start at chapter 1 and then move to the last chapter and end in the middle.

Views expressed on this page and in the books are those of their respective authors. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of National Bank or its subsidiaries.

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