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We are here to help

Our team of specialists is here to meet your needs.

Phone : 514-871-4339

Fax : 514-879-3873

1 Place Ville-Marie Suite 1700
Montreal, QC, H3B2C1

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Our team of experts

Yolande Djédjé

Wealth Associate

Leah Trineer


Picto langues parlées

English, French

Leah is a graduate of McGill University. She comes to National Bank Financial with many years of experience in finance, treasury and investments gained while working for national and international companies, both public and privately held, as well as many years as Senior Treasury Officer of McGill University.

In her spare time, she is active in many organizations in support of public education and the advancement of post-secondary education for all, especially women and girls. She is an active alumna of McGill University at both university and faculty levels. Weekends are spent at her family home in Arundel, Quebec and in the summer, you will also find her out on the golf course.

Paolo L. Petroni


Picto langues parlées

English, French

Paolo is our team intern focusing on social media. Paolo studies Pure & Applied Sciences at Marianopolis and seeks to pursue a degree in Finance and Economics, and hopes to eventually become a Wealth Advisor. He has been passionate about investing from a young age.

At Marianopolis, Paolo participates in Model UN and led the Investment Club. He is an active member of both the Italian and the Loyola Community.

You are unique

And so are your needs. Contact our team of advisors for a personalized experience.