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Surrey, BC, V3Z9N6

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Senior Wealth Advisor

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I have been a licensed wealth advisor since 1995.

I care deeply for my clients' well-being and really love my job. Meeting new people at
various stages of their lives ensures my job is always interesting. I believe that by investing on behalf of client's in some very difficult markets has given me very valuable insight into the importance of risk management.

When I entered the industry, I was a provider of information. Now with the constant
bombardment of news and information I have become a filter of it.

"Never" is not a word in my vocabulary. Although some of the periods in the last 20 years
have given me a few gray hairs, there is nothing I would rather do. Helping people reach their financial goals is incredibly rewarding.

I am a licensed multi-engine commercial pilot and flew professionally before becoming an wealth advisor.   The experience of knowing that lives depended upon my skill in decision making as a pilot helped prepare me for the responsibility I now shoulder when dealing with people's life savings.

Married with two young girls I am very active in their lives. I enjoy travelling, cooking and I look forward to introducing the wonders of the world to my children. I believe that I have received many blessings in my life and it is important to share them with others.

A lot of advisors will help you grow and protect your wealth. I try my best to ensure that you also enjoy it.

Jassi Bains

Wealth Associate

You are unique

And so are your needs. Contact our team of advisors for a personalized experience.