Wealth and Financial planning

Experience, competence and technology, at the heart of Dalpé Wealth Partners' successful financial planning.

Principal Financial Advisor

We are the principal financial advisor to the majority of our clients. The reason is simple: in the turmoil of conflicting opinions on financial services, Dalpé Wealth Partners' independence of mind, integrity, and variety of services offered at no additional cost are unparalleled in Canada.

Naturally, the heart of our activities lies in discretionary portfolio management, the financial performance of which brings us great pride, year after year.

But the in-depth understanding of our clients’ needs allows Dalpé Wealth Partners' team to offer a myriad of very diverse additional services as part of our management mandate, at no additional cost.

The stability of the Dalpé Wealth Partners team and the absence of intermediaries (you speak directly to the person in charge of your account) mean that close relationships of trust can be established with you and your family. It also means that clients interested in this service entrust us with managing practical operations, such as managing systematic withdrawals and deposits at financial institutions, as well as personalized follow-up and processing of RRSP, TFSA and RESP contribution files. A large part of our work also involves providing advice on all matters related to family finances. This includes advice on the distribution and choices to be made with regards to employer plans (group RRSP, pension plan: comparative analysis of an annuity versus transfer to a LIRA, tax impact, etc.), but also general advice, such as comparative analysis between the purchase of a house and rental or related to variable and fixed-rate mortgages. Our team even gives Finance 101 courses to clients' children who have questions about the mysterious acronyms HBP, TFSA and RRSP!

All of Dalpé Wealth Partners team is involved in the financial planning exercise of those financial instruments designed to help you navigate the uncharted waters of life. As with retirement planning, you have free access to our internal department to perform detailed financial projections and document analyses (contracts, wills, insurance, and more). *

For Dalpé Wealth Partners, becoming a client’s principal financial advisor means actively supporting the client and their family at all stages of life.

Wealth Management

Wealth management is a trendy business in which all financial institutions have embarked on, distributing their own products to retain management of their largest clients’ assets. Being first and foremost a marketing strategy, financial performance and service quality can be disappointing.

At Dalpé Wealth Partners, wealth management is not a sideline business, it is our core mission. The quality of our personalized service is outstanding, and our financial performance ranks us among the best portfolio managers in Canada.

Our role is to manage, grow, and protect your assets against hardship, and ensure that your family can benefit from them under optimal tax conditions. Our complete independence from financial product providers and our fee-based, non-commission-based remuneration method ensure that we protect your interests, according to your priorities.

Your priorities at the hearth of our wealth management strategy

You are building your wealth and want to increase your assets while minimizing risks. Dalpé Wealth Partners offers discretionary private investment management services that allows you to concentrate, with peace of mind, on your professional activity.

Whether built over several generations or from your hard work, your family patrimony must be as protected as possible from the market hazards and structured in such a way as to facilitate its future transmission. Dalpé Wealth Partners guides you through this complex process that combines finance, insurance, law, and taxation*.

For this to be successful, the transfer or sale of a family business must be planned years in advance. It notably requires finding and training family members or senior managers capable of taking on this task or structuring the business to survive your departure. Finally, it is necessary to set up a financial package that maximizes your return on investment while minimizing the risks for the buyer. Dalpé Wealth Partners will be at your side to set up the winning conditions and guide you through this marathon.

How can you protect your assets while setting up mechanisms for their transmission that is fiscally optimal and protects the interests of all family members? This challenge is often like trying to square the circle. Experts at Dalpé Wealth Partners are here to help you structure your assets to optimize their transfer conditions.

Have a confident outlook on the future

You may have wondered if you and your family were adequately insured in the event of death, serious illness, or accident resulting in partial or total incapacity to work. 

The amount of compensation provided for in contracts provides only a small part of the answer.

Dalpé Wealth Partners' strength lies in its in-depth and independent analysis of contracts that shed light on their tax implications and how the payment of premiums or the incident, whatever it may be, will affect your assets in general.

Insurance products* have now become very sophisticated financial vehicles and it is important to integrate them into your wealth management strategy.

What makes Dalpé Wealth Partners stand out

In fog and storm, Dalpé Wealth Partners is the lighthouse that makes certain your interests are protected. Our remarkable financial performance over two decades, the quality and frequency of personalized exchanges with clients, and the technologies we use to support our management processes form an unparalleled combination in wealth management services in Quebec.

Description of mailing Documents sent by (The firm or Dalpé Wealth Partners) Frequency of mailing What to do with each document
Portfolio Statement National Bank Financial - Wealth Management 12 consult and keep
Transaction slips National Bank Financial - Wealth Management for every transaction consult or destroy (info in monthly statements)
Income tax slips National Bank Financial - Wealth Management a few times per year (mostly Feb. and Mar.) keep for income tax purposes
Performance report Dalpé Wealth Partners  4 consult and keep/destroy
Quarterly letter Dalpé Wealth Partners 4 consult and keep/destroy
InfoSabius Dalpé Wealth Partners daily consult and keep/destroy
Documents to sign Dalpé Wealth Partners on occasion sign and return
Legend: Frequency of mailing: 1: once a year; 2 twice a year; 4: quarterly; 12: monthly

Retirement planning

It is never too late to plan your retirement, which is essential to sound wealth management. Whether you are beginning your career, in the middle of your working life, close to retirement or already retired, taking the time to do this exercise helps you avoid unpleasant surprises and maximize your assets.

However necessary, it is not an easy task: evaluating the impact inflation, taxes, annual savings and portfolio structure will have on your lifestyle at retirement is complex.

Managing an investment portfolio is also part of a long-term personal financial planning. Making a financial plan therefore makes it possible to indicate both the objectives and the course to get there.

To do this, we identify your objectives - for example, regarding retirement, the financing of children's education, or the transfer of assets, including business assets - and the means that should be implemented to achieve these objectives.

More specifically, we carry out a detailed step-by-step financial planning:

  • 360o analysis of your personal situation, both familial and professional;
  • Detailed statement of your financial situation and assets;
  • Projective analysis of your needs over the next ten, twenty or thirty years to guarantee your financial security and that of your loved ones;
  • Preparation of different scenarios in the short, medium and long term;
  • Identification of the best financial vehicles - investment, savings, insurance products*, etc. - to meet your priorities

Retirement and estate planning

Dalpé Wealth Partners' proprietary algorithm for retirement planning

In order to help our clients better understand the financial aspect of their retirement and to compensate now for any shortcomings, Dalpé Wealth Partners has developed a financial planning model that answers the majority of questions they might have in this matter. Developed in-house, this comprehensive and informative software analyzes an individual's financial dossier from A to Z. It includes a detailed analysis of saving habits, a projection of the changes in the financial position until death, a study of the impact of inflation, a review of the insurance file, an evaluation of the consequences of favouring one investment policy over another, etc. We are able to prepare in a very short period a 30-page report, including text, graphs, analysis and recommendations on twelve chapters of financial planning.

Our mandate is to act as the general manager for our clients' financial management needs. In this regard, the intervention of various professionals such as lawyers, notaries, accountants, tax professionals, insurance brokers, etc. is sometimes needed. We have identified a network of quality contacts to whom we entrust the responsibility of advising our clients.

Estate Record Keeper

In the context of its financial planning services, we've prepared a useful Estate Record Keeper.

This tool will help you identify, retrieve and validate your personal important information which could be the subject of intensive search or complicated should you become very ill or upon your death. It is an easy solution for keeping all your financial and estate information in one place.

This task will first and foremost be of great assistance to you but will also be helpful to your heirs. Updating your important documents in a clear and organized directory will facilitate your life and that of your loved ones.

Contact us

Our team members are there for you. Contact us directly at