Our Beliefs

Personal Finance is More Personal than it is Finance

Our guiding principles

Our clients are at the centre of everything we do.  We put their interests ahead of our own.  We're open and honest about how we're compensated.  This is just who we are, we don't know any other way.

We believe asking great questions is our superpower.  To provide clients with the best experience and quality advice, we must ask enough thoughtful questions to uncover their values, their dreams and even their fears.  We aim to connect with clients, to really get to know them, as only then do we believe we can do our best work together.  

We understand that for many, this will be the first time they’ve had an opportunity to talk openly and honestly about money, and actually feel safe doing so.  That's why it's so important for us to really listen.  We dig deeper, as the answers we search for are rarely on the surface.  This brings clarity to what really matters.  

They say the only constant in life is change.  That's why we believe a financial plan is a verb, not a noun.  It's not the financial plan, but the ongoing planning, that's crucial because life doesn't happen in a straight line.  Our role is to be an experienced guide to help navigate life's transitions.  A financial partner that is right there with you, shoulder to shoulder, to help you make course corrections and help you stay on track.  We believe without ongoing planning, and an experienced guide by your side, a financial plan is simply an outdated map to nowhere.    

Imagine going to a doctor who writes you a prescription without performing a thorough diagnosis.  Unfortunately, the financial services industry has been doing this for years.  People often meet with us for the first time expecting that same behaviour.  That's why we start at the beginning, and take you through our rigorous discovery process to diagnose before ever prescribing.  

Often times people come to us overwhelmed by the complexity of making smart decisions with money.  That's where we do the work, to look at all the angles and consider all the options, so you don't have to.  We speak plainly, no "bankanese", and work together with the information to help you make the best decisions for you and your family.

Contact us

Our team members are here to help.  Contact us directly for a personalized wealth management experience.