Market Observer

An Exclusive Event is Coming Your Way!

April 5, 2024

A total solar eclipse will be making its way across the US and Southwestern Ontario in the afternoon on April 8th. The best viewing time is expected to start around 2:00pm with the full eclipse being visible around 3:20. A total solar eclipse hasn’t been seen since 2017, and after this, won’t be seen again until 2044.

If you’re fortunate enough to be in the narrow path of totality, don’t miss out on this rare event!

Buy your eclipse glasses here.

Have Your Geopolitical Questions Answered in a Fairway Exclusive Webinar

When: April 30th from 11:45am – 12:30pm

Based on past strong attendance and overwhelmingly positive feedback, on April 30th we will be hosting a webinar with Angelo Katsoras, National Bank’s Geopolitical Analyst, exclusively for Fairway clients. For this edition we want to mix up the format a bit and are asking for YOUR top questions. Based on responses, we’ll pose the most relevant 5-6 questions to Angelo with a time limit assigned to each to ensure we get to them all.

To submit all your astute, hardball questions please reply to this email or contact with whatever is top of mind or what you’d like to hear Angelo’s thoughts on.

For some inspiration and to showcase global developments he’s been keeping an eye on below is all of Angelo’s latest writing:

Retirement Corner: How to Increase Your Income for Retirement

If you are in your 40’s, now might be a good time to start planning out your retirement!

Although it's my not be happening anytime soon, you may already be thinking of the day you won’t have to work again. Here’s the good news: you can already take simple actions to maximize your savings towards a happy retirement.

When you turn 40, the prospect of retirement becomes more tangible. It is best not to delay planning since government programs are most likely to cover your needs only partly. It is your savings and investments that will make up the balance and, in fact, generate most of your retirement income.

Planning for your retirement early is integral to a smooth transition into your “golden years” and can have a huge impact on your mental health and quality of life following this massive change.

Read the full article here:  How to Increase Your Income for Retirement

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