Retirement Planning

Saving for Your Retirement

Someone at a laptop reviewing their financial stocks.

Take advantage of our expertise to live out your retirement dreams. We will help you each step of the way, from accumulation to disbursement.

You probably have a good idea of what you want to do once you’ve retired: renovate the family home, travel the world, purchase a vacation property, etc. Ambitious or not, your retirement dreams can come true if you plan them right today.

To implement a savings strategy that will help you live out the retirement of your dreams, you must of course evaluate your current assets in relation to your objectives, but you should also take into consideration the fiscal consequences of your investments, your succession plan, your income sources and every other factor that can impact your savings ability and your future income.

Your advisor has the expertise necessary to help you in this process. With his help, you will be able to accurately define your objectives and retirement needs, as well as determine the right strategies to execute at opportune times of your life.

Typically, we go through four life stages during which it is critical to review our savings and investment strategies to ensure that we remain on the right path to our dream retirement:


This stage concerns you if you are just starting your career and have very few invested assets with relatively high expenditures. For instance, you may be considering purchasing your first home, in the process of paying back school loans or planning to start a family.


This stage applies when you have begun accumulating retirement savings, and have a stable career and family life. What matters most at this point in time is to preserve your wealth, while continuing to grow your assets with calculated risks.


This stage refers to retirement. This is when it is important to properly manage your wealth by using the right disbursement strategy so that you may optimize your pension income.


This stage concerns your wealth after your passing. It is important for you to have prepared the transfer of your assets and implemented the right succession plan in order for your loved ones to be cared for as you had intended.

Although each stage is typically associated with a certain age group, your situation may differ. That’s why it’s important to have an expert evaluate with you the solutions that are right for your unique life path and desires. Your National Bank Financial – Wealth Management investment advisor knows all the pros and cons of the different savings solutions and retirement income options available, and he can inform you as to their fiscal and financial impact. By discussing your goals with your advisor, you will be better positioned to make the right decision, namely regarding:

  • Pension plans;
  • RRIF (registered retirement income fund);
  • LIF (provincial or federal life income fund);
  • LIRA (locked-in retirement account);
  • Government plans;
  • Investment income;
  • Annuities; and
  • Any other strategy that may affect your retirement income.

Take advantage of our knowledge and experience to make the right decisions, according to your situation. We will help you:

  • Assess the right investment strategies for your objectives;
  • Project your retirement income over the short, mid and long terms;
  • Evaluate your retirement cash assets; and
  • Prioritize your disbursements so as to minimize your tax burden.

  1. Financial Planners are authorized to act in the field of Financial Planning. They exercise their duties for National Bank Financial Inc., a financial planning firm.

  2. We work closely with the Taxation, Retirement and Estate Planning Team from National Bank Trust, made up of multidisciplinary experts who provide knowledge and advice that complement our service offering. These experts assist us in providing the best solutions for your personal finances related to taxation, retirement and estate planning.

  3. Insurance products and services are provided by National Bank Insurance Firm (NBIF) or by NBF Financial Services (NBFFS), as applicable. NBIF and NBFFS are not members of Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF). Insurance products are not protected by CIPF.

  4. Financing solutions are subject to credit approval by National bank.

  5. For details and conditions of the offer, please contact your advisor.

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