Meet our team

Professionals who listen to your needs

We work together to achieve your goals

We help high-net-worth individuals and families grow and protect their wealth by offering comprehensive financial services and utilizing proven investment strategies while minimizing taxes and fees.

We believe in a global approach to finance. Therefore, while we specialize in portfolio management, we work with an exclusive, highly qualified team of experts to help you with your mortgage and banking solutions, insurance needs, business transfers, tax planning and estate planning. Our close collaboration is a great benefit for creating financial plans, making sure every aspect of your financial goals are considered. Because of this, our clients can focus on the parts of their lives that bring the most meaning to them, while feeling completely secured and well served on the financial front.

Our investment approach is simple and is used by some of the richest people in our society. Our philosophy consists of owning exclusively excellent companies and holding them for as long as they remain excellent. We have a long-term vision and are highly disciplined and extremely selective in our choices of businesses to invest in.

Our team is proud of the outstanding service we provide to our clients. Extra care is taken with frequent follow-ups, financial education for our clients and their children, and regular attendance to shareholder meetings for a deeper understanding of our underlying investments. We also provide financial letters that we personally write to keep our clients informed about the new developments of their companies, the economy and simple methods on how to get richer. These are some of the extra details we like to include to give you the service you deserve.

We manage the most important portfolios in the world … yours!

Our team of experts

Wealth Advisor

Picto langues parlées

English, French

I possess a unique baggage of knowledge and experience. On top of my formation, I regularly attend company shareholder meetings. This lets me develop a deeper knowledge on companies that deserve your attention. The least I can say is that these very profitable and well managed businesses know how to create real value for their shareholders!

I aim to increase your capital in the long term all while minimizing your risk, taxes and management fees. In order to succeed in the stock market, I firmly believe that one must have a good approach and a good attitude. I use a simple investment approach that has been proven by some of the richest people in our society. It consists of buying only excellent companies from different sectors and holding on to them for a very long time.

I offer exceptional services that are different than what you have experienced before. For example, I personally and brilliantly write financial letters allowing me to inform my clients about the new developments of their companies, the economy or even simple methods on how to get richer. I believe that understanding what we are doing and why we do it is essential. This is why educating my clients financially is very important to me.

I use a global management approach of your wealth and I am surrounded by a team of experts. Choosing companies and investment products to build a solid portfolio is just the tip of the iceberg. Financial planning, tax or estate planning as well as risk management by life or invalidity insurance are other very important aspects to help protect your wealth. My team of experts will be delighted to help you in these suitable fields.

Wealth Advisor

Picto langues parlées

French, English, Greek

Ioannis has over 17 years of experience in the financial markets using a proven investment philosophy. Having achieved great results over time, he continues to strengthen the financial future of his clients.

With a diverse background from multiple fields of interest, he uses his unique mix of knowledge and experience to understand people and recognize great opportunities for their financial plans.

Ioannis loves to teach and help people achieve their goals. With his young age, senior-level experience and strong passion, he aims to work with his clients for the very long term and accompany them through all their life events.

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