Our services

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our dedicated  team of specialists.

Our services: wealth management, portfolio management and more

Our expertise is second to none. We will give you peace of mind with our comprehensive financial planning platform, personalized solutions and exceptional service.

Wealth Management Process

Jeff specializes in preserving capital and providing growth, while generating income as needed.

Managing your wealth with confidence requires a relationship built on trust, expertise, experience and a thorough understanding of your needs.  Together, we can determine how best to:

  • Protect your lifestyle
  • Help your family
  • Plan for retirement
  • Achieve financial comfort
  • Create a legacy

Portfolio Management

Portfolio management consists in investing your assets in a way that seeks to grow your financial wealth over time, or to reach specific financial objectives in order to carry out future projects. It can be done over different time horizons and must take into account your cash flow needs and the tax impact of your decisions.

Tax Planning

Capital gains and investment income are taxed differently depending on the investment product you use. With good planning, you can ensure you choose investment vehicles that reflect your tax situation so that you can grow your wealth more efficiently. Your advisor can refer you to a professionnal.

Estate Planning

To ensure that your wishes are respected, it is crucial to have an estate plan and an up-to-date will. Your advisor can refer you to professionals you can trust to establish an effective estate strategy.

Banking Solutions

National Bank Financial – Wealth Management wealth advisors have access to the complete line of National Bank’s banking solutions. Whether you’re looking for a solution for your everyday transactions, your financing needs or any other particular need you may have, we can help.

Insurance Products

It is crucial to see to your financial security and that of your family today in order to avoid financial problems in the event of death, illness or disability later on. To ensure that you have the right coverage, your advisor will guide you to an expert who will help define your needs by assessing in your potential risks.

Financial Planning

Good financial planning includes a comprehensive and objective analysis of your financial situation* as well as an action plan and recommendations that can help you enhance your wealth and achieve a certain level of financial independence.

Carpe Diem

Portfolio Manager Commentary as of March 31, 2024

The Carpe Diem basket was up 8.02% in Q1 2024.  The basket continues to deliver strong long term upside performance, 11.90% annualized since inception (Aug. 2018).

The recent strong Carpe Diem performance was largely due to US technology exposure, bullish equity market earnings expectations and the anticipation of future interest rate cuts.

Looking ahead, investors should be patient and not chase the market.  I recommend investors temper their future earnings expectations, as the recent rally has been driven less by higher corporate profits and more by price to earnings (PE) multiple expansion.

The Carpe Diem basket offers investors a compelling diversified North American equity portfolio.  The blue-chip, dividend and growth focused companies provide long-term investors with healthy dividend income and capital gains potential.  We recommend investors take advantage of future market volatility to dollar cost average in.


  • 21 blue-chip North American companies and 3 ETFs
  • Asset Allocation 40% Canada / 60% U.S. 
  • Preference for dividend payers and growers: portfolio's current dividend yield 2.34% 
  • Inception Date & Value, August 1 2018    $50,007
  • March 31, 2024  Value                                $93,941
Stock Allocation
Energy 12.3% Technology 24.1%
Communication Services 5.7% Consumer Discretionary 10.9%
Utilities 2.2% Consumer Staples 7.6%
Real Estate 3.6% Health Care 5.5%
Financials 24.1% Industrials 3.7%


Time-weighted gross portfolio Performance
1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year Aug. 1 2018
(Since Inception)
20.80% 8.08% 10.13% 15.97% 12.43% 11.90%
Benchmark: 50%S&P/TSX TR + 50% S&P TR
21.84% 8.95% 11.76% 18.61% 12.73% 11.63%


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