Meet our team

Professionals who listen to your needs.

We work together to achieve your goals

We provide consistent and timely financial advice that takes into consideration the client’s personal situation to help them achieve their lifelong goals.

Our team of finance and customer service professionals are motivated to understand your personal, family and professional situation and communicate with you with empathy, honesty and clarity.

Our team of experts

Senior Wealth Advisor & Portfolio Manager

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  • 38 years of experience in wealth management and finance
  • Lori is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), and holds the Canadian Investment Manager (CIM), Financial Management Advisor (FMA), and is proud to be an Accredited Investment Fiduciary Professional (AIFP).
  • When not at the office, Lori keeps busy with family and friends and spending as much time as she can outside.

  • Portfolio Management – develop, refine, and implement overall investment strategies.
  • Financial Planning – Planning and reviewing strategies, in addition to Estate and tax planning.

Senior Wealth Advisor & Portfolio Manager

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  • 32 years of experience in wealth management and finance.
  • Bachelor of Economics from the University of Saskatchewan; holds the Canadian Investment Manager (CIM), Accredited Investment Fiduciary Professional (AIFP), and Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designations.
  • Away from the office, Greg keeps busy being a dad, competing in triathlons, and working in the Downtown Rotary Club. Greg and his wife Flora have a nine-year-old daughter and seven-year-old son.

  • Portfolio Management – develop, refine, and implement overall investment strategy.
  • Financial Planning – Plan strategy. Estate and tax planning.

Senior Wealth Advisor & Portfolio Manager

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  • 8 years of experience in wealth management and finance
  • Mark holds an undergraduate degree in economics, as well as a Master of Business Administration degree (MBA, finance).
  • Mark and his wife have three young children aged 5, 3 and 1, that keep them hopping! He and his family enjoy an active lifestyle and share a passion for exploring Calgary and western Canada’s natural beauty.

  • Portfolio Management – develop, refine, and implement overall investment strategies.
  • Financial Planning – Planning and reviewing strategies, in addition to Estate and tax planning.

Andrew Vooys

Wealth Associate

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  • 9 years of experience with the team.
  • Bachelor of Business Administration from SAIT, focusing on accounting.
  • Outside of work, Andrew keeps busy with rugby, swimming, and volunteering at the Strathmore Overnight Shelter.  Andrew and his wife Jennifer live in Strathmore, where they tend to an overactive garden.

  • Trading – Andrew can accept and execute unsolicited trade orders as well as recommend trades based on your current portfolio to create cash for withdrawals or invest a contribution.
  • Financial Planning – preparation and refinement of financial plans.
  • Client Service – Registered Plan Contributions and Withdrawals, Online Access, and Tax Documentation.
  • Principal Point of Contact For – Online Access, Financial Plan Details, and Tax-Related Requests.  Even if it’s not related to the former, he is always happy to take your call and ensure that the right team member gets in touch with you!

Meaghan St. Louis


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  • 10 years of experience in Wealth Management.
  • Bachelor of Arts from the University of Toronto.  Major in Sociology and Criminology.
  • Away from the office, Meaghan lives with her husband of many years, 2 amazing teens, a 100-pound dog, and various other small critters.  She is happiest when outside, preferably in or around the ocean.

  • Documentation – opening new accounts, updating existing accounts, and ensuring documentation is correct and up to date.
  • Client Service – RSP and TFSA contributions, account transfers, cheque requests, etc.
  • Principal point of contact for: anything document related.  However, if it is not document related, she is always happy to take your call and ensure that the right person on our team calls you back!

Phelim Yan


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  • Starting in Wealth Management and hoping to learn lots! Previously, 6 years of experience in Purchasing.
  • Bachelor of Business Administration from Mount Royal University.  Major in General Management.
  • Away from the office, Phelim lives with his partner and 2 rambunctious cats. He enjoys being outside and is happiest when around fuzzy animals.

  • Documentation – opening new accounts, updating existing accounts, and ensuring documentation is correct and up to date.
  • Client Service – RSP and TFSA contributions, account transfers, cheque requests, etc.
  • Principal point of contact for: anything document related.  However, if it is not document related, he is always happy to take your call and ensure that the right person on our team calls you back!

Contact us

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