Our services

Get answers to all your financial questions from our dedicated team of specialists

Comprehensive wealth management for all your needs


We regularly adapt our service offering to match the ongoing changes in the financial industry. Our clients want to talk about more than just their investments. They want to feel supported throughout their professional and personal lives.

No matter how complex or what type of financial needs you have, you’ll enjoy the advantage of a one-stop shop that offers service from trustworthy professionals. We believe a management solution isn’t complete without the involvement of our internal and external business partners. We have access to an entire team of experts who act as personal financial assistants to help make our clients’ financial lives easier. 


Investment solutions for condominiums

Image de copropriété

Many condominium boards wonder how they can invest their contingency fund.

The coming into force of Bill 16 means many condo boards and managers will have to adjust investments in their contingency fund to comply with the new requirements.

Our team has developed expertise in soundly managing contingency funds. We’re here to help boards develop best practices with the ultimate goal of seeing that condo owners make their fund grow.

Paul-Michael De Petrillo of our team discussed this topic in an article by Daniel Germain, Copropriété et fonds de prévoyance, that appeared in the Journal de Montréal on December 10, 2021.

Young investors

We’re a family of entrepreneurs working for young investors.

Whether you’re starting up your own company or want to get into investing, we have what it takes to make your dreams a reality.

You can count on the passion, creativity and support of our team that covers two generations to guide you in your business decisions with confidence. 

Jeunes entrepreneurs en rencontre avec un conseiller en gestion de patrimoine

We’re here to simplify your life

A management solution isn’t complete without the involvement of our internal and external business partners.

You can count on the support and expertise of our colleagues:

  • Insurance and group pension plan advisors
  • Personal and private bankers
  • Lawyers
  • Notaries
  • Tax specialists
  • Commercial Banking managers 

Our approach

Throughout our relationship, our team listens to your needs. We tailor our recommendations to your situation and ensure that we propose the solutions that best suit you.

Pictogram of a magnifying glass.

1. Understand your needs

  • We take the time to get to know you.
  • We undertake a detailed analysis of your current situation.
  • We understand your needs and concerns to help you set objectives and priorities. 
Pictogram of a target with a star.

2. Plan

  • We recommend solutions that are tailored to your needs and establish an action plan with your priorities in mind.
  • We design a personalized plan for your retirement.
  • We assist you in your decision making regarding estate planning and settlement.
Pictogram of a plane.

3. Implement the plan

  • We build your investment portfolio and implement the adopted strategies.
Pictogram of a calendar.

4. Periodic monitoring

  • We monitor changes in your personal, financial and economic situation, to ensure the proposed solutions continue to suit your objectives.

Our comprehensive wealth management services

Our team believes being patient and acquiring high-quality investments are the keys to long-term financial success. Our approach is aligned with National Bank Financial Wealth Management's commitment to meeting all of our clients' needs.

These services are offered by third party specialists 1,2,3

To develop a successful investment strategy, we need to fully understand your needs as an investor.

In addition to selecting securities, we adopt an integrated approach that takes into consideration several variables such as asset mix and the tax impact of transactions.

The simple fact of managing with diligence and discipline can have a positive impact on your portfolio’s performance.

Discretionary management

Our team can use discretionary management if it is suitable for the mandate given by our clients: 

Personalized management

A stringent process

The flexibility to quickly adjust your portfolio to market conditions 

Complete transparency 

“A portfolio manager makes objective decisions in keeping with established guidelines so that you can benefit from market opportunities.” 

Sound estate planning brings with it many advantages. It enables you to make your wealth grow during your lifetime so that your heirs can benefit from it later.

Would you like a second opinion about your will? Our team of experts can offer you valuable advice.

These services are offered by our partners.2

The future is shaped today. By drafting a clear and accurate retirement plan today, you’ll be able to fully enjoy your retirement years.

In-depth planning of your future needs, projected capital gains at death or the importance of providing for your loved ones with the right insurance are just some of the items to be considered.

When you receive the support and sound advice of our team of experts, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your future is secure.

There are numerous savings products and strategies, do you know where to start? Our team is here to help you through this planning that is essential to properly plan for your future and achieve your goals. We will be your personal CFO and provide you with the tools to assess your balance sheet, draft a financial plan and find solutions.

In more complex situations involving incorporation, trusts and more, our experienced team and partner tax specialists and notaries will analyze your needs.

Lastly, our team can answer any questions you may have about life insurance and give you a second opinion about your current structure.


These services are offered by our partners.3

As a client of National Bank Financial – Wealth Management, you have access to a one-stop shop for all your banking needs.

No matter your needs, we have the banking product or solution to suit them:

Day-to-day transactions

  • Financing 4
  • Specific needs

Main benefits 5

  • Fees waived on certain products
  • Legal and healthcare assistance
  • Competitive interest rates



  • A document outlining your short- and long-term financial goals and the strategies you will use to reach them.
  • The plan reflects your personal and family situation, your risk tolerance and future expectations, and includes effective tax strategies.

Main benefits

  • Your finances will be in good hands.
  • You will enjoy greater peace of mind.
  • You will be able to prioritize your projects and make informed decisions.

These services are offered by third party specialists. 1


  • Document how you want your assets to be distributed after your death.
  • Prevent any misunderstandings among your heirs.
  • Plan for any situation.

Main benefits

  • You will be protected in case of incapacity.
  • Your assets will be transferred without conflict.
  • Your wishes will be respected.
  • You will minimize the tax burden on your estate.

These services are offered by third party specialists.2


  • It is the development of financial strategies to reduce the impact of taxes on your investments.
  • Proposing customized recommendations based on an analysis of your situation and your portfolio.
  • It's about doing more with the same money by optimizing your portfolio.

Main benefits

  • More money to invest or spend.
  • More freedom to achieve your goals.
  • Make tax-efficient investments.

These services are offered by third party specialists.2


  • These solutions will ensure your family's financial future should anything happen to you.
  • They serve as a cushion to protect you from the unexpected.
  • They will help keep your family's plans on track.

Main benefits

  • Enjoy a safety net, even if you are not working.
  • Transfer your assets and protect your legacy.
  • Have peace of mind so you can be at ease.

These services are offered by third party collaborators.3

Do you want to give back to the community? Let our team guide you in designing a philanthropic plan.

  • Setting up a foundation
  • Distribution of donations
  • Bequests in a will

  1. Financial Planners are authorized to act in the field of Financial Planning. They exercise their duties for National Bank Financial Inc., a financial planning firm.

  2. We work closely with the Taxation, Retirement and Estate Planning Team from National Bank Trust, made up of multidisciplinary experts who provide knowledge and advice that complement our service offering. These experts assist us in providing the best solutions for your personal finances related to taxation, retirement and estate planning.

  3. Insurance products and services are provided by National Bank Insurance Firm (NBIF) or by NBF Financial Services (NBFFS), as applicable. NBIF and NBFFS are not members of Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF). Insurance products are not protected by CIPF.

  4. Financing solutions are subject to credit approval by National bank.

  5. For details and conditions of the offer, please contact your advisor.

Contact us

Our team members are there for you. Contact us directly at