Your concerns... our solutions!

Your one-stop shop for financial matters

Be proactive about your personal finances! 

The financial plan is a roadmap that shows you where you are starting from, where you want to go and how to get there. It is personalized and dynamic as it adapts to your journey and aspirations. It involves your participation and some investment of your time and will allow you to look forward to the future with more confidence by giving you the peace of mind of having taken charge of your personal finances. This process takes into account your short, medium and long term projects so that we can accompany you in their realization. Whether it's buying a second home, helping a child, traveling to the ends of the Earth, or any other dream you may have. 

   Financial Plan

When can I retire?

On what income will I be able to count at retirement and where will it come from?

Will I be able to travel every year?

When should I apply for my QPP/CPP?

From which accounts should I disburse first?

Should I prioritize paying off my mortgage or contributing to an RESP?

Can I help my children buy their first home?

Can I afford the RV of my dreams?

These are all questions that a financial plan will help you answer. We have the expertise within our team to meet your needs, prepare your financial plan and present you with the best strategies to achieve your dreams.  


Thinking of buying or renovating a property?

Renewing your mortgage?

Do you want to remodel your kitchen and are wondering if you can afford it?

Are you dreaming of a country house and would like to determine the impact this purchase will have on your retirement plans?

In collaboration with our mortgage financing expert, Nicolas Stephan, we can help you structure your loan and accompany you in this exciting project. 

We team up with him throughout the process to guide you through the many steps of the mortgage transaction, from pre-approval to notarized transaction. 

Financial Security

Wondering if you have too much or too little insurance?

Would you like to know if your coverage through your employer is sufficient?

Not sure you understand the many intricacies of your insurance contracts?

Do you have questions about medical insurance?

In collaboration with our financial security experts, Eric Harvey and David Kendall, we offer you the possibility of reviewing your current coverage, including that offered through your employer, to determine if your overall coverage is adequate.

As financial security advisors attached to the National Bank Insurance Firm, Éric and David will find the best coverage for you at the best price through their access to a large number of insurers.

We team up with them throughout the process to offer you unbiased advice on your specific insurance needs.


Consult our quarterly publication prepared by financial experts which aims to inform you about the global economic situation.


The Tax Guide is updated annually buy our tax experts and includes important information you need to know about the various tax slips, RL slips and reports to help you prepare your tax return.


Bucks & Bulk 

Quebec pension plan (QPP) (for Quebec residents) 

  • Access your statement of participation online at the Retraite Québec website, where you will find an estimate of your pension benefits based on your past contributions. 


Canada Pension Plan (CPP) (outside Quebec)

  • CPP payments are not automatic. You must apply. You should apply in advance of when you want your pension to start.


Old Age Security (OAS) and 

  • Thanks to the automatic enrolment process, many seniors no longer need to apply for Old Age Security. For more information or to make a change visit the Government of Canada website for more information in the section "Old Age Security Pension".

My acount is a secure portal that lets you view your personal income tax and benefit information and manage your tax affairs online.

This document contains information about registered and government plans, taxation and some legal information. These data come primarily from the Government of Canada and Canadian provincial governments.

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