Our services

Get answers to all your financial questions from
our dedicated  team of specialists.

Solutions designed to meet your needs

Our expertise is second to none. We will give you peace of mind with our comprehensive financial planning platform, personalized solutions and exceptional service.

Simplifying your life

Our specialty: Making it easier for you to manage your finances, no matter what your needs, goals or situation are. 

Our wide range of services allows us to tailor our recommendations to each profile and work together to find the best solution for you.

What we will do for you: understand, plan, act and follow up.

Our team believes being patient and acquiring high-quality investments are the keys to long-term financial success. Our approach is aligned with National Bank Financial - Wealth Management's commitment to meeting all of our clients' needs. 

Throughout our collaboration we will:

  • take the time to get to know you;
  • conduct a detailed analysis of your current situation;
  • make sure we understand and identify your needs and concerns in order to help you establish your goals and priorities;
  • present you with solutions adapted to your needs;
  • present you with a step-by-step action plan that takes into account your priorities;
  • create a personalized retirement plan designed to meet your investment needs;
  • help you make the right decisions regarding your estate planning and settlement;
  • monitor your personal, financial and economic situation to ensure that the strategies adopted are always in line with your objectives.

Contact us

Our team members are there for you. Contact us directly at