Our services

Get answers to all your financial questions from
our dedicated  team of specialists.

Solutions designed to meet your needs

Your financial picture is a lot bigger than just investing. We work to address and administer a full suite of wealth management solutions for our clients. Our goal with this process is to address all the needs of your unique situation and to tailor holistic solutions that provide you with peace of mind.

Services we offer:

  • Portfolio Management
  • Financial Planning
  • Tax Planning
  • Risk Planning
  • Estate Planning
  • Philanthropy
  • Banking Solutions
  • Succession Planning  

  • Your situation is unique, we seek to understand your goals and the resources you have to achieve them. Through the discovery meeting we gather pertinent information and use our expertise to help you verbalize anything you're unsure of. 

  • Once we've collected information from the discovery meeting we begin the development of your plan. We assign you an investor profile, create an investment policy statement, and determine if any of the experts at our disposal are needed. 

  • Once we agree and sign off on your plan we begin the implementation process. Investments are purchased, financial planning begins, insurance needs addressed, and the necessary experts are brought in to ensure all your needs are covered. 

  • Things change in the markets and your personal situation can change just as quick. We monitor the suitability of your strategy and make the required changes to ensure that your long term goals are met. 

Our purpose

Our team believes being patient and acquiring high-quality investments are the keys to long-term financial success. Our approach is aligned with National Bank Financial - Wealth Management's commitment to meeting all of our clients' needs. 

Our investment philosophy is to seek long-term capital while minimizing risk and volatility. Our approach consists primarily in asset management in order to combine our expertise and experience as portfolio managers , so as to provide you with complete portfolio diversification by sector, asset class, country, and geographic region. Regularly rebalancing your portfolio to ensure that it remains in line with the investment policy statement provides further comfort that your strategy remains optimal over time. Our portfolio management services include:

Comprehensive, integrated offering

Diversification through a variety of asset classes, sectors, and regions

Ongoing monitoring and adjustments

Individual holdings, and ETFs, etc.

Competitive comprehensive pricing

Applying strategic and tactical management

Transparent fees that are often deductible

Tax efficiency

As the cornerstone of our service offering, integrated financial planning consists of a complete and objective analysis of your financial situation, combined with an action plan and recommendations that will enable you to make the most of our services so that you can achieve your financial objectives and take the value of your wealth to a higher level. This complete financial plan weaves together all the components of your personal and business affairs:

  • Finances: balance sheet, budget and cash management, holding companies. An update may be required at times.
  • Retirement: survivor profile, actual retirement needs, individual pension plan, choosing the right time. The secret is being prepared. 
  • Taxation: reducing your tax burden, income splitting, incorporating, optimum shareholder compensation method. By controlling all those elements, you can maximize your assets.
  • Insurance: analyzing your current coverage and determining your life, disability and health insurance needs. What are your actual needs and how should your coverage be optimized? 
  • Investments: optimizing returns allocating assets, investment strategies, specialized investment vehicles, Which solution best suits your needs?
  • Estate Services: testamentary trusts, bequeathing your assets smoothly, protecting your heirs, trust structures to reduce taxes. These are solutions to unavoidable issues.

ou have worked hard to build up substantial assets and you want to protect them, ensure that they are distributed to your heirs according to your wishes. An estate plan will give you the comfort of knowing that your wishes will be respected, and that your estate will be handled in an optimal fashion from a financial and tax perspective.

Strategies for protecting your assets

  • Asset protection trust
  • Protective supervision plans
  • Trust administration

Strategies for transferring your estate during your lifetime or after your death

  • Donations and philanthropy
  • Estate planning
  • Personalized testamentary planning
  • Estate settlement


Capital gains and investment income are taxed differently depending on the investment product you use. With good planning, you can ensure you choose investment vehicles that reflect your tax situation so that you can grow your wealth more efficiently. We can refer you to professionals you can trust to establish solid tax strategies.





Complementary Services


We offer a full range of services designed to complement our traditional investment solutions. We can advise you on philanthropy, business management, foreign banking, property valuations, business transfers, and much more.

  • Philanthropy
  • Tax optimization of donations
  • In-kind donations
  • Creation of public and private foundations
  • Individual Pension Plans 

National Bank Financial – Wealth Management wealth advisors have access to the complete line of National Bank’s banking solutions. Wealth Management is an approach that assesses each unique client situation and tailors holistic solutions designed to provide clients with peace of mind for today, tomorrow and beyond. Whether you’re looking for a solution for your everyday transactions, your financing needs or any other particular need you may have, we can help.

All products and services to meet your daily needs, including:

  • Bank accounts for you, your spouse, your children, your holding company and your trust
  • Online access and services
  • Travelers cheques, drafts, warrants, transfer agent
  • Bank card, credit card, cheques
  • Tailor-made financing to meet your basic and more complex needs

nsurance is an essential element of any financial planning. In addition to alleviate the needs of protection of human and financial assets, there may be situations where insurance products will be part of the financial strategy and estate in the transmission of your heritage.

Protecting what's important to you

Insurance is a financial tool appropriate to the risk management of financial loss due mainly to a death, disability, serious illness or loss of independence. In collaboration with experts in the field, we can make the analysis of your insurance portfolio and offer a tailored approach according to your situation and its evolution.



Types of Insurance

  • Life insurance (personal or business)
  • Disability insurance
  • Critical illness insurance
  • Group Insurance
  • Long-term care insurance

*Insurance is offered through NBFFS Inc. and is not covered by the Canadian
Investor Protection Program

Contact us

Our team members are there for you. Contact us directly at