Our services

Wealth management is much more than portfolio management.

We strive to treat and manage a wide array of management solutions

Solutions designed to meet your needs

Our expertise is second to none. We will give you peace of mind with our comprehensive financial planning platform, personalized solutions and exceptional service.

Simplifying your life

Our specialty: Making it easier for you to manage your finances, no matter what your needs, goals or situation are. 

Our wide range of services allows us to tailor our recommendations to each profile and work together to find the best solution for you.

Our purpose

Our team believes being patient and acquiring high-quality investments are the keys to long-term financial success. 

Your wealth's global vision

  • Investment Policy with annual review
  • Individual meetings
  • Regular phone calls
  • Availability at all times for questions, problems or needs
  • Custom reports and statements
  • Economic and Financial information
  • Transparency
  • Supportive customer servie
  • Competitive pricing
  • Collaboration with your other specialist (Accountant, notaries, etc.)                                                                                                                            

''A personalized service''


What does wealth management include?

Our expertise

To support our clients in achieving their aspirations at all stages of their life. Our team distinguishes itself by its wide range of skills rooted in wealth management.

Financial planning (IQPF - Quebec Institute for Financial Planning)

A holistic view of your personal assets and the assets of your business. The cornerstone of our services, integrated financial planning includes a complete and objective analysis of your financial situation, as well as an action plan and recommendations that will allow you to take advantage of our services to achieve your financial goals and increase the value of your estate. Our comprehensive financial plan integrates all aspects of your personal affairs and the affairs of your business.

Discretionary portfolio management

The Wealth Advisor acts as a portfolio manager and is able to make decisions on a discretionary basis so that no opportunity is missed in the market. This service is personalized and the criteria required to exercise this role are among the highest in the Canadian investment industry. A select group of wealth advisers  have the required qualifications, our team has them.

Tax expertise

Most investors with substantial assets hold the majority of their holdings in taxable accounts (management companies, trusts and non-registered accounts). As these investors are also taxpayers heavily taxed by the Canadian tax system, particular attention must be paid to the tax aspect of the investments held. Through in-depth expertise and in-depth knowledge of all vehicles to optimize the tax efficiency of investment portfolios, our team allows you to reclassify ordinary income, interest and dividends into capital gains and to defer the tax on many types of investment products.

Expertise in alternative investments

The most reputable institutional investors, such as the endowments of Yale and Harvard universities today invest in much more diversified investments than the traditional assets of cash, bonds or publicly traded stocks.

Few  are aware that individuals with an income of at least $ 200,000 or a household income of at least $ 300,000 or with an individual or joint net worth of at least $ 1,000,000 are considered by the securities industry as accredited investors *, a special status which is giving them access to investment vehicles generally available only to institutional investors and high net worth individuals.

In addition to being able to choose for our clients the best traditional asset management models available on the market. This also  allows us to diversify  our clients holdings through discretionary management or by qualifying as accredited investors in investment categories. Assets as varied as private credit, private equity, infrastructure, real estate and absolute return management mandates. Many of these types of investments offer very attractive returns even in difficult economic times. This results in a higher return and reduced volatility than a portfolio consisting strictly of conventional investments.

Personal insurance

Personal insurance is the aspect of the protection of human capital and the improvement of financial capital. Insurance needs analysis is part of financial planning and helps protect people and financial assets. Insurance products will, in some cases, be part of the financial strategy  applied to the estate transmission.

* Institutional investors, foundations and charities benefiting from our advice, as well as legal entities (e.g. trust and management company) whose true owner (s) is (are) the investor ( accredited (s) are also accredited.


*Insurance products and solutions are offered through NBF Financial Services (NBFFS). NBFFS is not a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF). The products sold via NBFFS are therefore not guaranteed by the CIPF.

Contact us

Our team members are there for you. Contact us directly at