On paper, Heather is comfortable—her family has significant financial assets through their home, investments and other assets. She earns a good salary, and the same goes for her partner. She knows she’s lucky—she’s noticed the impacts of inflation with prices creeping up these days, but unlike many others, she doesn’t need to make changes to her lifestyle.
Despite all this, Heather is feeling anxious. Early in their relationship, Heather defaulted to letting her common-law spouse take care of the money because she found it intimidating, but she’s starting to realize how little she knows about how it’s all handled. Are they on track to meet their goals? Can they afford to put their kids through university and retire comfortably? Should they sell their cottage? Does her partner know what they’re doing?
Heather’s in her mid-40s and worried she doesn’t have much time to get her financial house in order. Her primary concerns are ensuring that she and her kids will continue to enjoy the lifestyle they’re accustomed to as they all get older. Her relationship has also hit a rough patch, and it’s also crossed her mind that if she splits with her partner, she might not be left with much.
For Heather, it’s essential for her to find a compassionate and empathetic financial advisor to help her understand her current financial picture. She’s motivated to learn more about the options available to her so she can make informed decisions to protect herself and her family’s future.