Our services

Get answers to all your financial questions from
our dedicated  team of specialists.

How we can help you.

You may be going through a time of transition or see one coming up. From being career-focused to becoming retirement-ready, from empty-nester to having grandkids, there could be significant shifts ahead. Perhaps there’s illness in your family, or you’re going through a divorce. These changes can feel disorienting - emotionally and financially.

Your MaVia advisor is here to guide you through these life events and to bring you peace of mind and clarity on your options. Having your finances in order will help provide stability and peace of mind in the midst of big changes.


You’ve worked hard to grow your financial assets. By implementing simple strategies, you can lessen your tax burden and have more left over for what matters to you: improving your quality of life, strengthening your safety net, or giving to others.

After assessing your situation, we’ll provide personalized taxation advice tailored to your specific needs. Let’s help you preserve the integrity of your funds by finding efficiencies that will reduce the amount of tax you need to pay.


Everyone can benefit from estate planning, not just the wealthy. Estate planning can help reduce the emotional impact on your family members by giving them a clear roadmap to your final wishes. This way, your assets will be distributed to their intended recipients in an organized and seamless fashion. 

We can also help you mitigate any unexpected financial surprises for your beneficiaries by preparing for your end-of-life expenses and reducing the estate and income taxes payable after your passing.


Make the world a better place. If you’re hoping to leave a legacy that will extend past your lifetime, philanthropy is one way to ensure a positive impact that will be felt by generations to come.

Bring your best ideas to the table - we’ll advise you on the tax implications, the regulations, and the documentation you’ll need to start a charitable foundation, open a trust, or simply give more thoughtfully. 


You’ve worked hard to grow your financial assets. By implementing simple strategies, you can lessen your tax burden and have more left over for what matters to you: improving your quality of life, strengthening your safety net, or giving to others.


After assessing your situation, we’ll provide personalized taxation advice tailored to your specific needs. Let’s help you preserve the integrity of your funds by finding efficiencies that will reduce the amount of tax you need to pay.


Managed well, your money can last a lifetime. With the right combination of investments, you can rest assured that you’ll have enough to cover your obligations, help your children, and enjoy your retirement years without affecting your standard of living. 

We consider your available funds, risk profile and needs when helping you choose an investment portfolio you’ll be comfortable with. And you can be as involved or hands-off as you wish - either way, we’ll guide you to a better understanding of how investments work and on the path to financial freedom and fulfillment. 

How it comes together.

A blue circle with number 1 inside it.

After a comprehensive first consultation, where we discuss your goals, values and concerns, we’ll provide you with a detailed plan with projections, options, and scenarios, allowing you to shape your future as you see fit.

A blue circle with number 2 inside it

We’ll provide ongoing, actionable insights to strengthen your financial standing immediately, so you can continue to move forward confidently, knowing that you’re already in a better position than when you started.

A blue circle with number 3 inside it

Through annual check-ins (we request that both partners attend, if applicable), we can tweak your plan to accommodate new opportunities and objectives. We want you to stay on track financially and ensure that you leave your meeting with a big picture understanding of what’s possible, and how to get there.

Ready to see what your money can do for you?

  1. Financial Planners are authorized to act in the field of Financial Planning. They exercise their duties for National Bank Financial Inc., a financial planning firm.

  2. We work closely with the Taxation, Retirement and Estate Planning Team from National Bank Trust, made up of multidisciplinary experts who provide knowledge and advice that complement our service offering. These experts assist us in providing the best solutions for your personal finances related to taxation, retirement and estate planning.

  3. Insurance products and services are provided by National Bank Insurance Firm (NBIF) or by NBF Financial Services (NBFFS), as applicable. NBIF and NBFFS are not members of Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF). Insurance products are not protected by CIPF.

  4. Financing solutions are subject to credit approval by National bank.

  5. For details and conditions of the offer, please contact your advisor.

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