Mervin Miller

Our expert team is here to meet your financial needs.

Personalized support

Our team is made up of highly qualified investment professionals with many years of experience in wealth management.

We leverage the expertise of all team members to ensure our clients get the best possible financial management advice.

Discover our company

Our purpose

Our objectives

As your partner in financial success, we're here to support you with all your investment goals. You can count on our help to make your money work for you.

Our values

We're committed to honesty, integrity and excellence. Our comprehensive financial planning service and personalized solutions will provide you with peace of mind. 

What makes us stand out

Our clients greatly appreciate our dedicated advice and support.

You can always count on:

  • Our commitment to helping you achieve your goals
  • Our approach
  • Our integrity
  • Our professionalism
  • Our transparency about the compensation we receive

So let's get straight to the point....Why should you entrust us with your money?

I pride myself on being a student of the market. In doing so, I have 25 years of direct market experience. As well, I am a Chartered Financial Analyst, a distinction recognized globally as the gold standard in financial expertise.  In terms of access to financial data, we spend significantly more than most of our competition on supplementary market data...and it pays off.

Perhaps more importantly, I am a passionate investor and take pride in my results. Needless to say, I continue my efforts long after the markets have closed, and the competition has gone home. Why? Because my clients and family depend on me. I work closely with my clients and I personally invest along side them.

I operate in state of complete transparency and honesty; demonstrated by a clean compliance record with no client complaints. I see my business as a partnerships with clients in which trust and communication are the keys to a successful relationship. Furthermore, I am actively involved in the community and look to lead by example, not just at work but in my day to day life as well. 

My dedicated associate is there to provide top quality service at a moments notice. Accessibility is essential, and we pride ourselves on being reachable by direct phone line (during working hours and after hours) and by email (during working hours) to provide fast and accurate service, no matter what.

Contact us

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